Matrix product operators
Sparse matrix operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.SparseMatrixOperator(is_first, is_last, do_vecs)[source]
A single indexed sparse MPO representing one site.
- is_firstbool
Flag if sparse matrix operator represents first site.
- is_lastbool
Flag if sparse matrix operator represents last site.
- do_vecsbool
For periodic boundary conditions aiming at actual matrices for all sites, set to False. For True, the first and last site will use vectors.
- class qtealeaves.mpos.SparseMatrixOperatorPy(is_first, is_last, do_vecs, operator_eye)[source]
Sparse MPO matrix for one site and the python implementation.
- add_term(sp_mat, pstrength, prefactor, weight, mapping)[source]
Adding a non-local terms via its SPO matrix.
sp_mat : np.ndarray
pstrength : parameterized couplings via integer ID appearing again in mapping
prefactor : scalar constant coupling
weight : combining pstrength and prefactor with initial values
- mappingdict, mapping integers from pstrength into parameterized values
(where values can be strings, scalars, callables).
- collapse(params)[source]
Collapse function recalculates local and interaction terms based on the new couplings passed via params dictionary.
- collapse_interactions(params)[source]
Collapse function recalculates interaction terms based on the new couplings passed via params dictionary.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- matrix_multiply(other, cidx_self, cidx_other, perm_out=None)[source]
Contract two sparse MPOs (rows/cols contracted automatically, permutation has to be on full).
- property ndim
Rank of the underlying tensor extracted from the first element.
- tensordot_with_tensor(tensor, cidx_self, cidx_tensor, perm_out=None)[source]
Execute contraction of sparseMPO with tensors.
Sparse matrix product operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.SparseMPO(num_sites, operators, do_vecs=True)[source]
Representation of a sparseMPO for python.
- add_dense_mpo_list(dense_mpo_list, params, indexed_spo=True)[source]
Add terms for
to the SparseMPO.
- contr_to_eff_op(tensor, pos, pos_links, idx_out)[source]
Contract operator lists with tensors T and Tdagger to effective operator.
- contract_tensor_lists(tensor, pos, pos_links, custom_ops=None)[source]
Linear operator to contract all the effective operators around the tensor in position pos. Used in the optimization.
- convert(dtype, device)[source]
Convert underlying array to the speificed data type inplace. Original site terms are preserved.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- property num_sites
Return the number of sites in the underlying system.
- class qtealeaves.mpos.SparseMatrixProductOperator(params, model, operator_map, param_map)[source]
Indexed sparse MPO for a set of sites.
- paramsdict
Parameterization of a simulation.
- modelinstance of QuantumModel
The physical model to be converted into an MPO.
- operator_mapdict
Mapping the operators to their integer IDs.
- param_mapdict
Mapping the parameters to their integer IDs.
Tensor product operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.TensorProductOperator(params, model, operators, tensor_network, device='cpu')[source]
Effective operator class. It contains the effective operators in a vector with as many entries as links. The first num_physical_links are always used to store the physical hamiltonian.
TODO: add read/write method for fortran
- params:
The simulation parameters
- model: QuantumModel
Quantum model defining the quantum operator
- operators: TNOperators
Class containing the tensors of the operators
- tensor_network: tensor network class
Tensor network on which links the efficient operator is defined
- devicestr, optional
Device of the computation. Default to “cpu”.
- add_operator(name, op)[source]
Add an operator op named name to the list of operators
- namestr
String identifier of the operator
- opnp.ndarray
Matrix of the operator
- contr_to_eff_op(tensor, pos, pos_links, idx_out)[source]
Contract operators lists with tensor T and its dagger. Return effective Hamiltonian operators along idx_out (relative to T), resulting from contraction.
- T: np.ndarray
Tensor of the TTN to contract
- ops_list: list of lists of Operator
list of local operator lists, each corresponding to a specific link.
- idx_list: list of ints
link indices (relative to T), each corresponding to a local operator list in ops_list.
- list
list of Operators after contractions
- contract_tensor_lists(tensor, pos, pos_links, custom_ops=None)[source]
Linear operator to contract all the effective operators around the tensor in position pos. Used in the optimization.
- vectorinstance of
tensor in position pos in vector form
- poslist of int
list of [layer_idx, tensor_idx]
- custom_opslist of effective operators
Must be sorted, must match number of links
- np.ndarray
vector after the contraction of the effective operators
- vectorinstance of
- convert(dtype, device)[source]
Convert underlying array to the speificed data type inplace. Original site terms are preserved.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- classmethod from_mpo_list(dense_mpo_list, tensor_network)[source]
Construct a TPO from
- classmethod from_mpo_list_num_sites(dense_mpo_list, num_sites)[source]
Construct a TPO from
and the number of sites.
- property num_sites
Return the number of sites in the underlying system.
- property ops
Retrieve the dictionary of operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.IndexedOperator(op, op_id, coeff)[source]
Class of operator with an index, to keep track of tensor product operators in the TTN, i.e. MPOs where the bond dimension is 1
- opnp.ndarray or str
Numpy array representing the operator or string of the operator
- op_idint
Integer op_id of the operator. Operators with the same op_id are considered to belong to the same MPO
- coeffcomplex
Coefficient of the operator
- property coeff
Coefficient property
- convert(dtype, device, stream=None)[source]
Convert data type and device of relevant attributes in this instance.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- property op
Operator property
- property op_id
Operator ID property
Indexed tensor product operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.ITPOTerm(do_indexing=True, enable_update=False)[source]
Single iTPO term either for Hamiltonian or inside effective operators.
- add_local(operator, prefactor, strength, pstrength, is_oqs)[source]
Add a local term to the iTPOTerm when building a Hamiltonian.
- add_term(tpo_id, operator, link_inds, prefactor, strength, pstrength, is_oqs)[source]
Add an interaction term to the iTPOTerm when building a Hamiltonian.
- convert(dtype, device, stream=None)[source]
Convert underlying array to the specified data type inplace.
- delete_or_cache_tensors(inds)[source]
Delete or cache entries (used to remove terms which contracted to local.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- empty_copy(other=None, do_copy_meas_vec=False)[source]
Make a copy of the settings of a term without entries.
- property enable_update
Property if update of time-dependent couplings is enabled.
- static get_case_funcs()[source]
Construct the mapping between contraction cases as integers and their functions.
The cases and their IDs are a one-to-one copy from the fortran code. At the beginning, we had even more of them with every possible combination of contracting rank-3 and rank-4 MPOs with 0, 1, and 2 matching horizontal links. Now, they contain only rank-4 MPOs with 1 and matching horizontal links plus the local term rules at -10, -20. To simplify coding, the cases have each their own function (where in fortran it was still a select case).
Copy-pasted from each-functions docstring:
1) only left has TPO-ID 7) lr and rl match to local term 8) ll and rr match to local term 34) match rl and keeping as TPO-ID 43) match lr and keeping as TPO-ID 53) match ll and keeping as TPO-ID 63) match rr and keeping as TPO-ID 99) only right has TPO-ID -10) local term in left -20) local term in right
- property has_oqs
Return flag if the iTPOTerm contains any open system term.
- property idx_eye
By convention, we will set the “eye” tensor at key -2.
- matrix_multiply(other, cidx_self, cidx_other, eye_a=None, eye_b=None, perm_local_out=None, ctens=None)[source]
Contract of two iTPOTerms.
- otherinstance of
Right / second term in the multiplication
- cidx_selflist of ints
Contraction legs for full TPO tensor (local will auto-adapt)
- cidx_otherlist of ints
Contraction legs for full TPO tensor (local will auto-adapt)
- eye_ainstance of
or None, optional If self is not a rank-4 iTPOTerm, pass what should be used as identity. Default to None
- eye_binstance of
or None, optional If other is not a rank-4 iTPOTerm, pass what should be used as identity. Default to None
- perm_local_outlist of ints or None, optional
Permutation of output (full TPO tensor will auto-adapt) (MPO links will be permuted in first and last place automatically) Default to None
- ctensNone or
If present, update mode is activating which assumes that only a scalar weight has changed.
- otherinstance of
- run_measurements(ket, idx_out, link_weights)[source]
Run the measurements on the iTPOTerm, i.e., on all stored local tensors.
- tensordot_with_tensor(tensor, cidx_self, cidx_tensor, perm_local_out=None, ctens=None)[source]
Execute contraction of iTPOTerm with tensors. Uncontracted non-MPO legs of self go before uncontracted non-MPO legs of tensor.
- tensorinstance of
Tensor in the contraction as right/second tensor.
- cidx_selflist of ints
Contraction legs for full TPO tensor (local will auto-adapt)
- cidx_tensorlist of ints
Contraction legs for the tensor
- perm_local_outlist of intes
Permutation of output (full TPO tensor will auto-adapt)
- ctensNone or
If present, update mode is activating which assumes that only a scalar weight has changed.
- ctens
Result of contraction.
- tensorinstance of
- tensordot_with_tensor_left(tensor, cidx_tensor, cidx_self, perm_local_out=None, ctens=None)[source]
Execute contraction of iTPOTerm with tensors. Uncontracted non-MPO legs of tensor go before uncontracted non-MPO legs of self.
- tensorinstance of
Tensor in the contraction as right/second tensor.
- cidx_tensorlist of ints
Contraction legs for the tensor
- cidx_selflist of ints
Contraction legs for full TPO tensor (local will auto-adapt)
- perm_local_outlist of intes
Permutation of output (full TPO tensor will auto-adapt)
- ctensNone or
If present, update mode is activating which assumes that only a scalar weight has changed.
- ctens
Result of contraction.
- tensorinstance of
- class qtealeaves.mpos.ITPOSites(num_sites, do_indexing, enable_update)[source]
iTPOSites contains the physical terms.
- add_dense_mpo_list(dense_mpo_list)[source]
Add terms from a
to the iTPO sites.
- property has_oqs
Flag if MPO has Lindblad terms (just present, not looking at coupling).
- class qtealeaves.mpos.ITPO(num_sites, do_compress=False, do_indexing=True, enable_update=False)[source]
iTPO term with Hamiltonian and effective operators, e.g., for ground state search.
- num_sitesint
Number of sites in the system, e.g., qubits.
- do_compressbool, optional
Flag if compression should be activated (True). Default
(no compression).- do_indexingbool, optional
Flag if indexing should be used (True) or if running as TPO (False). Default to
- enable_updatebool, optional
Flag if smart update of time-dependent parameters should be activated (True). Activation also caches additional states on top of the effective operators. Default to False (no smart update).
The indexed tensor product operator comes in different flavors:
TPO : without indexing, pass do_indexing flag.
iTPO : with indexing, only unique operators are contracted (default)
iuTPO : iTPO with smart update for time-evolution: pass flag enable_update on initialization, moreover do_update has to be set and unset when updating the coupling of the Hamiltonian.
icTPO : iTPO with compression, set flag do_compress, which is beneficial for systems with many interactions.
iucTPO : iTPO with compression and smart update for time-dependent parameters.
- add_dense_mpo_list(dense_mpo_list)[source]
Add terms from a
to the iTPO sites.
- collect_measurements(num_terms=None)[source]
Collect the measurements from measurement setup of iTPO.
- compress(pos_tuple)[source]
Compress iTPOTerm at a given position.
- pos_tupletuple
position of the effective operator to be compressed via two tensor positions
Considering an eight-site MPS-like structure with all-to-all two-body interactions the terms by default at link between sites 6 and 7 are
1 acting at 7 and 8
2 acting at 7 and 8
3 acting at 7 and 8
4 acting at 7 and 8
5 acting at 7 and 8
6 acting at 7 and 8
and will be compressed to
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) acting at 7
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) acting at 8
Thus, compression makes potentially sense for many interactions and if more than half of the system is integrated into an effective operator. The latter is checked to avoid unnecessary execution.
- contr_to_eff_op(tensor, pos, pos_links, idx_out)[source]
Contract operator lists with tensors T and Tdagger to effective operator.
- tensor
Tensor to be contracted to effective operator.
- posint, tuple (depending on TN)
Position of tensor.
- pos_linkslist of int, tuple (depending on TN)
Position of neighboring tensors where the links in tensor lead to.
- idx_outint
Uncontracted link to be used for effective operator.
- tensor
- contract_tensor_lists(tensor, pos, pos_links, custom_ops=None)[source]
Linear operator to contract all the effective operators around the tensor in position pos. Used in the optimization.
- tensor
Tensor to be contracted to effective operator.
- posint, tuple (depending on TN)
Position of tensor.
- pos_linkslist of int, tuple (depending on TN)
Position of neighboring tensors where the links in tensor lead to.
- custom_opsNone or list of
Ordered list of iTPO terms for tensor, which should be used instead of information in pos and pos_links.
- tensor
- convert(dtype, device)[source]
Convert underlying array to the specified data type inplace. Original site terms are preserved.
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property do_update
Status of the flag for doing update of effective operators.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- get_ctens_for_update(key, identifier)[source]
Extract a tensor for update of time-dependent coupling from cache.
- keyimmutable
Key from effective operator to be built serving as base key.
- identifier :
Extension to identity step when building effective operator.
- ctensinstance of
or None Retrieve tensor from cache if updates are enabled.
- ukeystr or None
Key for storing tensor again.
- property has_oqs
Flag if MPO has Lindblad terms (just present, not looking at coupling).
- property num_sites
Return the number of sites in the underlying system.
- set_ctens_for_update(ukey, ctens)[source]
Set a tensor for time-dependent coupling updates (if enabled).
- set_meas_status(do_measurement=True)[source]
Set the measurement status for all iTPOTerms in iTPOSites.
- setup_as_eff_ops(tensor_network, measurement_mode=False)[source]
Set this sparse MPO as effective ops in TN and initialize.
Dense matrix product operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos.MPOSite(site, str_op, pstrength, weight, operators=None, params=None)[source]
One site in a dense MPO term.
- siteinteger
Site index.
- str_opstr
Key for the operator.
- pstrengthpstrength, callable, numeric
Containing the parameterization of the term.
- weightscalar
Scalar constant prefactor.
- operators
or None If present, operators will be directly extracted.
- paramsdict or None
If present, parameterization will be directly extracted.
- copy_with_new_op(operator)[source]
Create a copy of self, but without replacing the operator with the one passed. Corresponding string identifier will be set to None.
- property total_scaling
Returns the scaling combining params and weight.
- class qtealeaves.mpos.DenseMPO(sites=None, convergence_parameters=None, is_oqs=False, tensor_backend=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor_backend.TensorBackend object>, require_singvals=False, local_dim=2)[source]
Dense MPO as a list of :class:`MPOSite’s.
- add_identity_on_site(idx, link_vertical)[source]
Add identity with the correct links to neighboring terms on site idx.
- idxint
Site to which add the identity. Goes from 0 to num sites in a system.
- link_verticallink as returned by corresponding QteaTensor
Needed to build the local Hilbert space (in case it is different across the system).
- compress_links(idx_start, idx_end, trunc=False, conv_params=None)[source]
Compresses links between sites in a dense MPO by performing a QR or SVD, optionally performs the additional truncation along the way.
- idx_startint
MPO site from which to start the compression.
- idx_endint
MPO site on which to end the compression.
- truncBoolean, optional
If True, the truncation will be done according to the conv_params. Default to False.
- conv_params
, optional Convergence parameters for the truncation. Must be specified if trunc is set to True. Default to None.
- classmethod from_matrix(matrix, sites, dim, conv_params, tensor_backend=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor_backend.TensorBackend object>, operators=<qtealeaves.operators.tnoperators.TNOperators object>, pad_with_identities=False)[source]
For a given matrix returns dense MPO form decomposing with SVDs
- matrixQteaTensor | ndarray
Matrix to write in (MPO) format
- sitesList[int]
Sites to which the MPO is applied
- dimint
Local Hilbert space dimension
- conv_params
Input for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the LPTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension (max_bond_dimension) - the cut ratio (cut_ratio) after which the singular values in SVD are neglected, all singular values such that \(\lambda\) /\(\lambda_max\) <= \(\epsilon\) are truncated
- tensor_backendinstance of
Default for None is
with np.complex128 on CPU.- pad_with_identities: bool, optional
If True, pad with identities the sites between min(sites) and max(sites) that have no operator. Default to False.
- DenseMPO
The MPO decomposition of the matrix
- classmethod from_statevector(statevector, local_dim=2, conv_params=None, tensor_backend=None)[source]
No statevector for operators
- classmethod from_tensor_list(tensor_list, conv_params=None, iso_center=None, tensor_backend=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor_backend.TensorBackend object>, operators=<qtealeaves.operators.tnoperators.TNOperators object>, sites=None)[source]
Initialize the dense MPO from a list of tensors
- tensor_listList[QteaTensor] | List[MPOSite]
Matrix to write in (MPO) format
- conv_params
, None Input for handling convergence parameters. Default to None
- iso_centerNone, int, List[int], str, optional
If None, the center is None. If str, the iso center is installed If int, the iso center is that integer. Default is None
- tensor_backendinstance of
Default for None is
with np.complex128 on CPU.- operators: TNOperators, optional
Operator class
- sitesList[int], None
Sites to which the MPO is applied. If None, they are assumed to be [0, 1, …, len(tensorlist)-1]. Default to None
- DenseMPO
The MPO decomposition of the matrix
- static generate_mpo_identity(left_bd, local_dim, right_bd, tensor_backend)[source]
Generate an identity in MPO form with given dimensions
- get_pos_partner_link_expansion(pos)[source]
Get the position of the partner tensor to use in the link expansion subroutine
- posint | Tuple[int]
Position w.r.t. which you want to compute the partner
- int | Tuple[int]
Position of the partner
- int
Link of pos pointing towards the partner
- int
Link of the partner pointing towards pos
- initialize(operators, params)[source]
Resolve operators and parameterization for the given input for each site.
- classmethod mpi_bcast(state, comm, tensor_backend, root=0)[source]
Broadcast a whole tensor network.
- state
(for MPI-rank root, otherwise None is acceptable) State to be broadcasted via MPI.
- commMPI communicator
Send state to this group of MPI processes.
- tensor_backend
Needed to identity data types and tensor classes on receiving MPI threads (plus checks on sending MPI thread).
- rootint, optional
MPI-rank of sending thread with the state. Default to 0.
- state
- property num_sites
Length of the Dense MPO
- pad_identities(num_sites, eye_ops)[source]
Pad identities on sites which are not in MPO yet respecting the symmetry.
- classmethod read(filename, tensor_backend, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]
Read a MPO from a formatted file.
- property sites
Generate list of site indices.
- class qtealeaves.mpos.DenseMPOList(*args)[source]
Collection of dense MPOs, i.e., for building iTPOs or other MPOs.
- classmethod from_model(model, params, tensor_backend=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor_backend.TensorBackend object>)[source]
Fill class with
and its parameters.
- property has_oqs
Return flag if the DenseMPOList contains any open system term.
Abstract effective operators
- class qtealeaves.mpos._AbstractEffectiveOperators[source]
Any effective operator or overlap.
Effective operators should implement at least a dictionary functionality where the keys are made of a tuple of two entries, where each entry is the position of a tensor in the tensor network. The key (pos_a, pos_b) provides the effective operators of the tensor at pos_a contracted except for the link leading to the tensor at pos_b. The position itself can be implemented depending on the needs of the tensor networks, e.g., as integer or tuple of integers. Only each link needs a unique pair of positions.
- abstract contr_to_eff_op(tensor, pos, pos_links, idx_out)[source]
Calculate the effective operator along a link.
- abstract contract_tensor_lists(tensor, pos, pos_links, custom_ops=None)[source]
Linear operator to contract all the effective operators around the tensor in position pos. Used in the optimization.
- abstract convert(dtype, device)[source]
Convert underlying array to the specified data type inplace. Original site terms are preserved.
- abstract property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- abstract property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- property has_oqs
Return if effective operators is open system (if no support, always False).
- abstract property num_sites
Return the number of sites in the underlying system.
- class qtealeaves.mpos.DELayer(num_sites, de_sites, convergence_parameters, local_dim=2, tensor_backend=None, initialize='identity', check_unitarity=True)[source]
Disentangler layer, i.e. the list of disentangler tensors. All the DE tensors must be unitary. One can access a specific tensor by checking DELayer[ind]. In aTTN, DELayer can be accessed via ATTN.de_layer. The leg ordering in disentangler is:
^ ^ | | 0 1
- num_sitesint
Number of sites
- de_sites2d np.array, optional
Array with disentangler positions with n rows and 2 columns, where n is the number of disentanglers. Counting starts from 0 and indices are passed as in the mapped 1d system. If set to ‘auto’, the disentangler positions are automatically selected to fit as much disentanglers as possible. Default to ‘random’.
- convergence_parameters:
Class for handling convergence parameters. In particular, in the aTTN simulator we are interested in: - the maximum bond dimension \(\chi\); - the cut ratio \(\epsilon\) after which the singular
values are neglected, i.e. if \(\lambda_1\) is the bigger singular values then after an SVD we neglect all the singular values such that \(\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}\leq\epsilon\)
- local_dim: int, optional
Local Hilbert space dimension. Default to 2.
- tensor_backendNone or instance of
, optional Default for None is
with np.complex128 on CPU.- initializestring, optional
Define the initialization method. For identities use ‘identity’, for random entries use ‘random’. Default to ‘identity’.
- check_unitarityBoolean, optional
If True, all the disentangler tensors are checked for unitarity and an error is raised if the check fails. Default to True.
- apply_de_to_dense_mpo(de_ind, dense_mpo, tensor_backend)[source]
Contracts DE and DE^dag with a given dense MPO. Since there could be the sites which are in mpo, but not in DE (and vice versa), the function takes care to insert identity operators on appropriate places.
- de_indint
Index of disentangler which we want to contract with mpo.
- dense_mpoDenseMPO
Dense MPO to be contracted with disentangler.
- tensor_backend: TensorBackend
Tensor backend of the simulation.
- contracted_dense_mpoDenseMPO
Dense MPO contracted with disentangler.
Don’t forget the truncation. Raise a warning if truncating.
- check_if_de_eligible(tensor)[source]
Makes several checks and raises an exception if a tensor is not eligible for a disentangler.
- property check_unitarity
Flag to check if disentanglers are unitaries.
- class_allowed
alias of
- contract_de_layer(itpo, tensor_backend, params=None)[source]
Contracts the disentangler layer with a given iTPO. The procedure contracts the itpo between DE layer and DE^dag layer as a sandwich:
- (DE layer)
- (iTPO)
(DE^dag layer)
- itpoITPO
iTPO which is to be contracted with the DE layer
- tensor_backend: TensorBackend
Tensor backend of the simulation.
- paramsdict or None, optional
The parameters passed from the simulation. In particular, not needed here. Default to None.
- contracted_itpoITPO
iTPO resulting from contracting itpo with DE layer.
- property convergence_parameters
Get the convergence settings.
- property local_dim
Local dimension property
- property num_de
Number of disentanglers.
- property num_sites
Number of sites property
- to_dense_mpo(de_ind, tensor_backend)[source]
Splits the chosen disentangler into left and right operator and stores them as a dense MPO.
- de_indint
Index of disentangler which we want to store as dense MPO.
- tensor_backend: TensorBackend
Tensor backend of the simulation.
- dense_deDenseMPO
Dense MPO with left and right disentangler as terms.